I knew there was some Arabic blogs out there, but I wasn't paying much attention because programmers and designers, who did not have much to say to the world, made most of them. They were trying to play with Movable Type and other things. That's all.
This is not changing. It's just that one of them called Pixelog.net, linked to my blog and wrote it is worth reading. For my surprise, the guy titled the link with "The Saudi Greeks Are Coming"! I think he meant "Geeks" but, am I a geek? Please, tell me I'm not!
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This is not changing. It's just that one of them called Pixelog.net, linked to my blog and wrote it is worth reading. For my surprise, the guy titled the link with "The Saudi Greeks Are Coming"! I think he meant "Geeks" but, am I a geek? Please, tell me I'm not!
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